Weight: 31 lbs (82%)
Head circumference: 19.6" (76%)
What he likes:
Ball and dogs are hands-down Matthew's favorite things. He has great throwing skills and maximum interest in all things sports it seems, but especially baseball. The way he walks around the house with a baseball bat thrown over his shoulder makes me want to duck and cover, but he has a very good track record for not actually hitting things or people he's not supposed to. He does, however, really struggle to find the self control not to throw anything and everything.He loves ice cream and his train table. He also loves rocking with Clara on our rocking horse. It's made for one child to ride, but they've figured out how to make it a seesaw for two people.
He also likes wrestling with dad, tools, etc. He enjoys books quite a lot too!
What he can do:
He can say so many words, but like his father, he doesn't feel the need to use them most of the time. He's putting words together into two word phrases.He can also follow instructions, play on playground pretty independently, correctly identify several body parts, sing "Let it Go" and read two books from memory ("No David!" and "Tubby"). He can count to ten (give or take a number) and calls all immediate family members by name (never mind that he thinks Emily's name is Abby...)
There's no doubt that Matthew has come through for me on sleep his whole life. At this point, he typically naps 3.5-4 hours per day, along with a good 11 hour night. He sleeps with his monkey blanket and pacifier, but he can go without if needed.
He sleeps in a big boy bed now. That transition was as smooth as pudding. Matthew is one of those kids who does a lot of what he's asked to do. He's good boy.
Other information:
Matthew is definitely two. We have our fair share of tantrums, crying, can't-make-up-my-mind melt downs, and refusals of food and others things he normal enjoys.
Thank goodness he's so cute! I just grab his little face in my hands all the time and kiss him! And he grins... it's the best!
Some of Matthew's memorable phrases are:
"No! uh-uh."
"Um... yeah!"
"Tickow, tickow" (when attempting to tickle you... so cute!)
"Weed book!" (read book)
"Ca-wa! Mama! Dada!" (names Matthew always says in an enthusiastic yell)
He gives me a run for my money, but on the whole he is a sweet, sweet little boy.
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