Friday, March 6, 2015

That One Time When... (Funny Stories from our Lives)

Funny stories from Clara (age not-quite-4) and Matthew (age not-quite-2)

That one time when:

Matthew was put in time out in his rocking chair (in his room) for crying and whining. ...And then we forgot about him in the hustle and bustle of cleaning up dinner and preparing for company.

Fifteen minutes later I noticed something was amiss and hollered to Mitch in the family room, "Hey! Is Matthew still in his room??" Rather than Mitch's voice, I heard a muffled, yet somehow chipper, "Yah!" come through Matthew's cracked door.

I hurried in, and there he was, right were we left him. Patiently waiting. We had no more whining that night.

That one time when:

Clara called Mitch onto the carpet for leaving the toilet seat up. He looked at me with a suspicious eye, wondering if I'd put her up to this.

Toilet seat etiquette had, in fact, never been explained to her. She figured that out all on her own. She became borderline emotional when explaining that... she can't potty when it's like that. And asked him to please put it down. 

I thought it was a very compelling plea, but have yet to see if it influences change.

It did influence the most sheepish grin I've ever seen.

That one time when:

We were listing to a concert in the coffee shop inside our church after service one Saturday evening, and Matthew motioned for me to come with him somewhere. 

Thinking he wanted to go closer to the musician I encouraged him to proceed alone. 

To my surprise, he headed not toward the show, but sidled right up to the bar and patiently stood in line at the register. After several minutes of waiting, and just about everyone around us gushing over the cuteness of the whole thing, Matthew won. I raced up there and bought him the cookie he was eyeing through the glass.

It made me ever-so happy to do so.

That one time when:

We were at a birthday party a Chuck E. Cheese. Suddenly I turned around and Matthew was gone. I began running around hunting him down when he caught my eye. He had approached the man in a giant Chuck E. Cheese costume and was staring him down from about a four foot distance. Suddenly, he broke forward and gave Chuck E. a huge hug on the leg.

That one time when:

We found Clara in her room at 10 o'clock at night. She was fully dressed and sitting on the edge of her mattress quietly. When Mitch asked her what she was doing, she responded, "Mom told me no playing. So I'm just sitting here."

That other time when we went in to check on her at 10:00 (when we go to bed) and found her asleep in her suitcase...

That one time when:

Matthew was supposed to be napping, but instead he got into my sister-in-law's make up and had a grand time ruining a pack 'n play.

That other time when:

Both kids were stripped down and in the bathtub as it was filling with water. I noticed the water was getting hotter, so I kept turning the cold knob more and more to no avail. 

Suddenly, it snapped off in my hand, sending a fire hose of cold water across the tub and forcefully spraying both kids and the far wall. In my shock I began screaming for Mitch to turn off the water to the house and pressing the broken nob against the spout, only causing a more dramatic spray of the whole bathroom.

Matthew was whining and trying to get out of the tub, but quickly calmed down once the water was off (12 seconds later).

Clara, on the other hand, was tripping over herself trying to get out of the tub and as far away from the bathroom as possible. She was screaming and crying hysterically, and took quite a while to calm down to figure out whether she was actually hurt in some way. (she wasn't) She was able to laugh about it later, and I'm still chuckling at her response today.

The kids are getting used to showers until further notice.

That one time when

Clara actually got to go to the doctor when she was sick because she said three magic words, "My ear hurts."

She really enjoyed the attention of having an appointment scheduled, going through the visit in which the doctor directed all questions to her specifically (it was so cute I almost cried... she felt so important), and having "medicine" to take, since she in fact did have an ear infection.

I was the same way as a child.

There's no doubt these two keep us on our toes!

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