Friday, October 30, 2015

Emily at 6 Months

Wow, I can't believe my BABY is already six months old! She is just precious in every way.

Height: 28" (99th percentile)

Weight: 19 lbs 10 oz (94th percentile)

Head circumference: 17.25" (87th percentile)

What she can do: 

She has rolled both ways at least once, but is not doing this consistently. She can sit with help for a minute, but will eventually wind up laying on her legs. :) And she loves to kick! I can't get her to stand on my lap because all she wants to do is jump and bounce! 

She's eating some pureed food, drinking from a sippy cup with help, cooing, grinning, giggling, and full out belly laughing. She can hold and play with toys, and even put her toes in her mouth and suck on them, which she's quite proud about.

What she likes: 

Emily likes being talked to above almost anything else. Ever since she was born, this has been the thing that's made her come to life. (For Matthew, that was being tossed and swung around. For Clara, "lively" was default mode.) She loves people and sweetly interacts. Strangers in the grocery store are always delighted by the HUGE grin she gives them when they give her a moment's attention. I often tell them it's because she's the youngest of three, so she doesn't take that special attention for granted!

She likes her jumperoo, as they all seem to at this age! It's amazing how much of the day she will happily spend in it if I need her to. Her only stipulation is that someone be in the room with her. If I step out, she immediately starts whining. But a sibling is as good as mom. :)

She loves being sung to, having her "personal space invaded" in play (this makes her laugh like nothing else), riding around on my hip, sitting up in her bumbo, and even tummy time!


Emily-girl sleeps from about 8 pm to 5 am, and then goes back to sleep until 8 am. She's a great sleeper! She also takes two naps, one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. It works out perfectly with our schedule, especially since she's willing to take her morning nap in the stroller if we want to be out and about.

Other information:

She loves her brother and sister, and they are both super sweet with her and seem to have good instincts (and a bit of training) for how to interact with her appropriately.  She has no stranger or separation anxiety, which is a blessing, since everyone in her life is able to enjoy her so much as she snuggles in and plays and grins easily.

That's our low maintenance Emily. She is a pure sweetheart. It's incredible to see how well she fits in with our family, filling a little hole we didn't know we had until we met her.

I find her mad face just about as adorable as anything.

She's big enough to swing! But she doesn't react to it much.

Mmmmm... tasty! Everything, in the mouth!

Hanging out in the stroller, all grins!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Emily Rose at 4 Months

Sweet, sweet Emily, how we love her!

She is the best of all things baby: squishy, content, smiley, adorable, sleepy and peaceful. She's social yet calm-natured --really the embodiment of sweetness.

Length: 26.3" (98th percentile)

Weight: 16 lbs 9 oz (87th percentile)

Head Circumference: 16.5" (84th percentile)

In other words, she's bigger than Clara was at this age (that's saying a lot), but still smaller than Matthew Frank! She's another healthy, beautiful, vivacious tall-girl!

What she likes: She likes to be talked to! Since birth, the one thing that seems to excite her more than anything is a good conversation, although she's not likely to do much talking herself. She responds by vigorously kicking her legs and pumping her arms, and with wide eyes locked in on yours.

She also likes being sung to and paid attention to in general. Baby #3 doesn't take those things for granted.

What she can do: She can hold her head up very well, coo and giggle a bit. She can bring things to her mouth and bat at an object. She loves chewing on those hands and goes through multiple outfits and bibs per day because they're drool soaked. She can just now sit on my hip for short periods.

She has yet to roll over. She's not a motivated mover, so it may be a while.

Sleep: She is a great sleeper. For most of the past two months she has slept through the night, until 5:00 am or later (often until 7:00!). She prefers to sleep in her bed, so if she gets tired out and about during the day, it typically does not go well.

Other information: She's interested in sucking her thumb/fingers, but we're attempting to keep her from attaching to those things. Trying to break Clara of her thumb-sucking nowadays has made me wary! Oh, and she's not too interested in a bottle. We've all but given up at this point in her life.

Emily is a bundle of joy... she is such a blessing!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

When Your 4-Year-Old is Smarter than You

My 4-year-old is smarter than me, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Let me illustrate.

Example 1: The Walk Solution

Today she wanted to go on a walk. I agreed, but after she'd gotten her shoes on I realized we were at home with no stroller and no baby carrier, since Mitch had taken the van to work with both inside. I told her we had no way to do our walk... sorry.

"But we do have Emily's car seat," Clara responded.

"Yes, but it's too heavy for me, I can't carry it on a walk," I responded with an "oh, sweetie..." sort of tone.

"We could put the car seat in the wagon," Clara continued politely.

I stared at her blankly, blinking a few times.

Finally, I started chuckling and then laughing in disbelief that she had so easily solved a problem that had me stumped.

Example 2: The Lost Phone

We were trying to get out the door. I doubled back into the house for my phone and something else. After a minute, Clara followed me in.

"Can you help me find my phone," I asked distractedly, while responding to a text from Mitch. "I don't know where it is."

A confused Clara said, "But mom, you already found it."

"No I didn't," I said, "I don't know where it is," as I continued around the house glancing around, all with my eyes still half glued to the lit screen in my hand.

Clara stood rooted, slightly confounded, watching me go to and fro.

"You have it in your hand!" she finally spit out.

I looked up, then back down... and burst out laughing. It was not only in my hand, but I had been using it during the conversation.

Clara loves to tell that story!

Example 3: The Story Memorizer

This girl memorizes her books... like crazy.

She got a Disney Princess anthology a few weeks ago from Nana, and has had me read her a lengthy Sleepy Beauty story several times. Then, earlier this week, she began quoting it verbatim to Emily (mind you, the book was not in front of her). She used all the language and vocabulary flawlessly, without error and with sublime annunciation. I stopped what I was doing to stare at her in amazement, wondering how far she could go.

Although she did eventually skip some pages in her mental retelling, she went on for at least a few minutes, quoting a story we had read together many times, but of which I had exactly no lines memorized. After all, it doesn't rhyme.

Example 4: The Fairy Disagreement

Another book we read frequently is about fairies. In the back you can find a "catalog" of the fairies you might find in the book. (Each book is customized to a specific child's name). She pointed to the "Apple Blossom Fairy" and told me it was in her book.

"No, it's not," I corrected lightly.

"It is!" she insisted, "I'll show you."

We flipped back through the pages, each expecting to set the other one straight.

I'll let you guess who won. :)

The moral of the story is, think twice before getting in an argument with Clara. You just might be wrong!

Matthew at Age 2

Height: 3' (86%)

Weight: 31 lbs (82%)

Head circumference: 19.6" (76%)

What he likes: 

Ball and dogs are hands-down Matthew's favorite things. He has great throwing skills and maximum interest in all things sports it seems, but especially baseball. The way he walks around the house with a baseball bat thrown over his shoulder makes me want to duck and cover, but he has a very good track record for not actually hitting things or people he's not supposed to. He does, however, really struggle to find the self control not to throw anything and everything.

He loves ice cream and his train table. He also loves rocking with Clara on our rocking horse. It's made for one child to ride, but they've figured out how to make it a seesaw for two people.

He likes performing and being the center of attention. It's fun to see him assume this role. He doesn't advocate for the limelight, so often it's Clara who occupies it.

He also likes wrestling with dad, tools, etc. He enjoys books quite a lot too!

What he can do: 

He can say so many words, but like his father, he doesn't feel the need to use them most of the time. He's putting words together into two word phrases.

He can also follow instructions, play on playground pretty independently, correctly identify several body parts, sing "Let it Go" and read two books from memory ("No David!" and "Tubby"). He can count to ten (give or take a number) and calls all immediate family members by name (never mind that he thinks Emily's name is Abby...)


There's no doubt that Matthew has come through for me on sleep his whole life. At this point, he typically naps 3.5-4 hours per day, along with a good 11 hour night. He sleeps with his monkey blanket and pacifier, but he can go without if needed.

He sleeps in a big boy bed now. That transition was as smooth as pudding. Matthew is one of those kids who does a lot of what he's asked to do. He's good boy.

Other information:

Matthew is definitely two. We have our fair share of tantrums, crying, can't-make-up-my-mind melt downs, and refusals of food and others things he normal enjoys.
Thank goodness he's so cute! I just grab his little face in my hands all the time and kiss him! And he grins... it's the best!


Some of Matthew's memorable phrases are:

"No! uh-uh."
"Um... yeah!"
"Tickow, tickow" (when attempting to tickle you... so cute!)
"Weed book!" (read book)
"Ca-wa! Mama! Dada!" (names Matthew always says in an enthusiastic yell)

He gives me a run for my money, but on the whole he is a sweet, sweet little boy.

Friday, March 6, 2015

That One Time When... (Funny Stories from our Lives)

Funny stories from Clara (age not-quite-4) and Matthew (age not-quite-2)

That one time when:

Matthew was put in time out in his rocking chair (in his room) for crying and whining. ...And then we forgot about him in the hustle and bustle of cleaning up dinner and preparing for company.

Fifteen minutes later I noticed something was amiss and hollered to Mitch in the family room, "Hey! Is Matthew still in his room??" Rather than Mitch's voice, I heard a muffled, yet somehow chipper, "Yah!" come through Matthew's cracked door.

I hurried in, and there he was, right were we left him. Patiently waiting. We had no more whining that night.

That one time when:

Clara called Mitch onto the carpet for leaving the toilet seat up. He looked at me with a suspicious eye, wondering if I'd put her up to this.

Toilet seat etiquette had, in fact, never been explained to her. She figured that out all on her own. She became borderline emotional when explaining that... she can't potty when it's like that. And asked him to please put it down. 

I thought it was a very compelling plea, but have yet to see if it influences change.

It did influence the most sheepish grin I've ever seen.

That one time when:

We were listing to a concert in the coffee shop inside our church after service one Saturday evening, and Matthew motioned for me to come with him somewhere. 

Thinking he wanted to go closer to the musician I encouraged him to proceed alone. 

To my surprise, he headed not toward the show, but sidled right up to the bar and patiently stood in line at the register. After several minutes of waiting, and just about everyone around us gushing over the cuteness of the whole thing, Matthew won. I raced up there and bought him the cookie he was eyeing through the glass.

It made me ever-so happy to do so.

That one time when:

We were at a birthday party a Chuck E. Cheese. Suddenly I turned around and Matthew was gone. I began running around hunting him down when he caught my eye. He had approached the man in a giant Chuck E. Cheese costume and was staring him down from about a four foot distance. Suddenly, he broke forward and gave Chuck E. a huge hug on the leg.

That one time when:

We found Clara in her room at 10 o'clock at night. She was fully dressed and sitting on the edge of her mattress quietly. When Mitch asked her what she was doing, she responded, "Mom told me no playing. So I'm just sitting here."

That other time when we went in to check on her at 10:00 (when we go to bed) and found her asleep in her suitcase...

That one time when:

Matthew was supposed to be napping, but instead he got into my sister-in-law's make up and had a grand time ruining a pack 'n play.

That other time when:

Both kids were stripped down and in the bathtub as it was filling with water. I noticed the water was getting hotter, so I kept turning the cold knob more and more to no avail. 

Suddenly, it snapped off in my hand, sending a fire hose of cold water across the tub and forcefully spraying both kids and the far wall. In my shock I began screaming for Mitch to turn off the water to the house and pressing the broken nob against the spout, only causing a more dramatic spray of the whole bathroom.

Matthew was whining and trying to get out of the tub, but quickly calmed down once the water was off (12 seconds later).

Clara, on the other hand, was tripping over herself trying to get out of the tub and as far away from the bathroom as possible. She was screaming and crying hysterically, and took quite a while to calm down to figure out whether she was actually hurt in some way. (she wasn't) She was able to laugh about it later, and I'm still chuckling at her response today.

The kids are getting used to showers until further notice.

That one time when

Clara actually got to go to the doctor when she was sick because she said three magic words, "My ear hurts."

She really enjoyed the attention of having an appointment scheduled, going through the visit in which the doctor directed all questions to her specifically (it was so cute I almost cried... she felt so important), and having "medicine" to take, since she in fact did have an ear infection.

I was the same way as a child.

There's no doubt these two keep us on our toes!