Height: 27.5" (83rd percentile)
Weight: 19 lbs. 5 oz. (79th percentile)
Head circumference: 44 cm (80th percentile)
What he likes: Getting his toes in his mouth, soft toys, toys that rattle, being part of the action, being tossed around, naps, his sister, cuddling, watching television, being sung to (specifically pat-a-cake and the pony ride song), and most importantly being talked to.
What he can do: He's a strong sitter and can hold and play with toys. He jumps in his jumperoo, but never stands. If you hold him out in front of you to stand in your lap he pulls his knees up. Your arms get tired and... he wins. :) He has also discovered babbling and screaming.
Sleep: He wakes up at 1 and 3, but will accept a pacifier and go back to sleep without nursing. By 6 he's ready to eat though, and may or may not go back down to sleep more. He naps very easily and well, and can change his nap schedule around to accommodate our schedule without getting fussy for the most part.
Other information: He has a big grin and he knows how to use it, although unprovoked he will also sit indefinitely with a solemn look on his face... watching quietly. He does not, however, appreciate being left alone in a room and will immediately start fussing for some company!
This month he's eaten both squash and peas. The squash seemed agreeable. The peas on the other hand produced some hilarious and rather sour faces. I'm not thinking he is going to be much a pea eater, but we'll keep trying anyway.