Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Little Sidekick

I have a little sidekick. Her name is Clara. She loves to follow me around and put her two cents into everything I'm doing.  And it's adorable.

Whether it's caring for Matthew, working outside, folding laundry, cooking, pushing the stroller, decorating, or even making a shopping list, she's right there assisting me.

Unloading the dishwasher.
We work as a team to change Matthew's diaper (she hands me a diaper and then climbs up on her chair to supervise), water the tomatoes (I use an adult sized watering while she uses a kid-sized watering can), change over the laundry (she knows how to move it from washer to dryer), soothe Matthew (she pats his head and says "it's ok baby Matthew, it's ok" while I hold a paci in his mouth), and mix up some brownies (we use two spoons to get it really good).

Tonight I had the task of putting both kids to bed by myself, which can be a challenge. Matthew was crying while I was trying to get Clara in her pajamas. Suddenly she bolted out the door saying something about a baby. A few moments later I heard a "bump-clunk, bump-clunk" noise coming down the hallway. She had gotten Matthew's bouncy seat and was rushing it to him as fast as she could, which wasn't an easy task for her. So, we set it up, put him in it, turned on the vibrations, and he was happy. She proceeded to kiss him on the head sweetly. I told her she made me happy. She grinned. And we got to read our books in peace.

She looooves her baby brother.

She's a great little sidekick, my helper and buddy in this season of life.

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