Matthew peeking out at the world. |
Serving pizza at the Magic House |
And Matthew is an awesome newborn: content, cute, sweet, and cuddly as all get out.
I am praising and thanking God for the overwhelming blessings He's given me in my amazing husband and these two precious little ones.
So far, in his first weeks of life, Matthew has:
- road-tripped to Eldon
- attended a wedding
- met all his cousins
- visited the zoo
- visited the Magic House
- visited the pool
- gone on multiple shopping outings
- gone out to lunch
- gone to Fritz's... twice
- and attended to two different churches
"my kids" and me :) |
Clara had a bit of a rough transition. She had a 103.5 degree fever and Strep while we were in the hospital with Matthew, cut two back molars, and then got a mother who couldn't do much more than lay on the couch and recover all week instead of playing. What's more she was suddenly forced to share the lime light.
So for many reasons, Clara was an emotional mess for about a week, but now seems very pleased with her baby brother and very interested in seeing that his needs are met. She's a sweet big sister. It's heart-warming to watch her love on him and fun to include her as an eager "helper" in his care.
We've had lots of visitors, which has been awesome and a great distraction for Clara. All of her grandparents and cousins have been up to see her and her new brother, along with some of her aunts and uncles.
Clara and Matthew with their visitors! |
Fun, fun! |
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