Saturday, June 29, 2013

Taking the Plunge

...the plunge otherwise known as "potty training."

One morning a couple of weeks ago I tested the waters. Clara and I talked things over and then put her in "big-girl underwear" and played out the morning. We spent considerable time on the potty. Nonetheless by mid-day the score was Potty:0 House:6

So I put things on hold to spend time thinking it through some more.

Then, on Thursday, with Dora Potty Doll to aid us, we began again, this time with conviction. I elected to reward Clara with an M&M every 5-10 minutes she remained dry. The concept was effective, but by evening-time she had that wild, sugared-up, look in her eyes. However, the final score was Potty:4 House:5. I was exhausted from the effort of it all, but pleased with our partial success.

On Friday things seemed to click. Not only did she take initiative to put herself on the potty twice when she needed to go, she only had one accident all day. And I switched my reward to fruit snacks, which bore better results. 

Today we are three for three as of nap time.

I'm excited for the success we're having and hope it continues! She getting to be such a big girl! It makes me happy and sad at the same time.

Clara's potty set up.

Drinking plenty of juice to keep things "flowing."

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Matthew: First Impressions

I first noticed it months before he was born. Matthew was a chill dude. His movements were gentle "re-situating wriggles," not the bruising, passionate kicks I'd experienced only two years prior.

My initial impression has yet to be discredited. His demeanor is relaxed, very much mirroring that of his father. He'll cross his little feet at the ankle (a happy accident no doubt), and quietly look around. So much like Mitch I have to laugh.

He's also the "less-vocal" type. Quite a contrast to baby Clara, and, again, quite similar to Daddy. When he's upset, he'll spend about 10 seconds scrunching up his face before the first actual "waaaa" errupts. And that sounds more like a spoken word than a true cry. If I can anticipate and address whatever is bothering him within those first several seconds, he never actually makes a peep.

Upon meeting him, many people say, "Wow! Those are some big hands! He's either going to be a tall guy or a piano player." To which I say, "Maybe he'll be both..." :)

He's content for the most part. The only struggle he's had is falling asleep. That becomes a fussy, messy process at night and nap times when he's so tired but can't quite get there on his own. I bounce him, give him a paci, rub his tummy, burp him, but refuse to put him all the way to sleep in those moments. I know I will pay for it later if I teach him to rely on me to get to sleep. However, we've started some good bedtime routines and are seeing improvement already.

Overall, he's awesome. We love him. He's a great fit to our family and SO sweet!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Reflections on Our First Weeks

After 3 weeks together as a family of four, all I can say is my "cuteness tank" is overflowing!  I don't think I could stand any more.

Matthew peeking out at the world.

Clara is absolutely adorable as "big girl," "big sister" two year old. Her hair is curlier than ever in this summer humidity, and she says and does so many charming and hilarious things.
Serving pizza at the Magic House

And Matthew is an awesome newborn: content, cute, sweet, and cuddly as all get out.

I am praising and thanking God for the overwhelming blessings He's given me in my amazing husband and these two precious little ones.

So far, in his first weeks of life, Matthew has:

  • road-tripped to Eldon
  • attended a wedding
  • met all his cousins
  • visited the zoo
  • visited the Magic House
  • visited the pool
  • gone on multiple shopping outings
  • gone out to lunch
  • gone to Fritz's... twice
  • and attended to two different churches

"my kids" and me :)
It's amazing how the life of a second born varies from that of a first born. By three weeks of age I believe the sum total of Clara's experiences were a lone trip to Target and a couple of walks around the subdivision. Matthew has taken everything in stride beautifully.

Clara had a bit of a rough transition. She had a 103.5 degree fever and Strep while we were in the hospital with Matthew, cut two back molars, and then got a mother who couldn't do much more than lay on the couch and recover all week instead of playing. What's more she was suddenly forced to share the lime light.

So for many reasons, Clara was an emotional mess for about a week, but now seems very pleased with her baby brother and very interested in seeing that his needs are met. She's a sweet big sister. It's heart-warming to watch her love on him and fun to include her as an eager "helper" in his care.

We've had lots of visitors, which has been awesome and a great distraction for Clara. All of her grandparents and cousins have been up to see her and her new brother, along with some of her aunts and uncles.

Clara and Matthew with their visitors!

Fun, fun!
 We've had a great introduction into our new reality. Here's hoping it continues to be so smooth!