Tuesday, April 10, 2012

No Big Deal

Mitch and I have taken to tagging the phrase "no big deal" on to any statement we make to each other about something unexpected and amazing that Clara has just done for the first time.
I think of it as our way of poorly/comically masking our "stereotypical first-time-parent" extreme excitement at everything new she does.  But lets face it, it's awesome to see your baby girl do new things so casually while you have no idea when and where she learned them.

Lately we've been yelling things across the house like:
"No big deal, Clara's just standing."
"No big deal, Clara's just putting the rings back on her rocking tower."
"Clara's walking along holding only one of my hands right now, no big deal."

"No big deal" is code for "This is a big deal!  And you need to come running right this minute to see it!"
It's fun.  This little girl is learning so much every day.

Oh, and, no big deal, she just took her first step on her birthday yesterday. :)


  1. She is so Beautiful and getting so BIG! I miss you guys! Hopefully I'll be back for a visit this summer and I can see you all!

  2. We would LOVE to see you Kelley!!!
