Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I've noticed that when I'm talking to Clara, I tend to address her as Baby instead of by her name or another endearment.  And when I say 'baby,' I say it with great relish.  I've reflected on this, and discovered that I love saying it because I love that she is a ...baby.  That word means "little, scoop-up-able, hugable, cuddly, ticklish, smiley, wonderful, sweet, soft-templed, and good-smelling."  Baby is a great word!  I enjoy her baby-ness so much.

A baby is a warm little human person, comprised of a beating heart, little fingers, toes, sneezes, yawns, laughter, hiccups, and wiggles.  A baby is CUTE.  And despite her lack of fully developed coordination and language... she has so much personality.  And what's more, I only have six more months before my baby's not really a baby anymore, so I may as well soak it in as much as I possibly can.  Baby is a great word.

My 'baby' and I took advantage of the first cool day to wear our matching leggings.

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