Friday, August 12, 2011

Clara at 4 Months

Weight: 16 lbs (91st percentile among female Caucasian babies)

Length: 25.5" (90th percentile)

What She Likes:  She likes jumping in her jumperoo, although she still requires help from a pillow placed under her feet to actually reach the floor.  She jumps with increasing coordination, and has some pretty impressive Irish-jig-type moves.  She likes her mobile, which never fails to put a big smile on her face.  She likes sitting up, looking all around, talking and squealing, the patty cake song, any other song that involves actions, her Bumbo, and bath time!

What She Can Do:  She can roll from front to back, laugh, grab objects and bring them to her mouth, smack her lips, and grab her toes.  She can also lift her head to a 90 degree angle when on her tummy.

Other Information:  The back of her head is not currently her best angle...  she has a great head shape, but it's accompanied by a huge bald spot.  She was sick for the first time this week.  She spent two days with a runny nose, throwing up, and sleeping in her swing or laying in my arms.  That was pretty sad.

Overall, I LOVE this age.  She is so much fun!  It's great because if I put a toy in her hand she chomps on it and plays with it independently.  She can even find it again if she drops it.  This new development has made her more content.  She doesn't need as much entertainment from me during her awake hours because she's now able to interact with her environment.  Car rides are much better too.

Yay for four months! :)

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