Mitch had gone out of town for a three day work-related conference last week. So Clara and I decided to have some fun of our own. We planned a short visit-loop, spending one night in Columbia visiting Uncle Ryan and Aunt Crystal and Amanda, Rachel, and Erica, and then continuing on to spend one night in Eldon visiting Grandpa and Grandma.
Unfortunately, Clara had her 6 month shots immediately prior to embarking upon this journey. That proved to be something of a disaster for our trip.
Miss Cranky and I arrived in Columbia a few hours early. We had opted to travel during Clara's afternoon nap. Rather than trying to entertain her at Ryan and Crystal's all afternoon, we went to beautiful Stephen's Lake Park. The only smiles I got out of her were when we tried a big-kid swing for the first time. It was a hit!
We did a variety of things at the park, strolling, swinging, carrying baby around, etc. in an attempt to keep this fusser distracted. This also included Clara's first opportunity to play in the leaves. It turned into more of a game where Clara's objective was to find a leaf eat it, and I mine was to prevent this. I won. ...I think...
Eventually we moved on to Ryan and Crystal's for the evening. I was so stressed out by the time Ryan and Crystal got home, that Crystal took Clara and Ryan took me for a bike ride. That was actually perfect. Thanks Ryan. :)
The next day we ventured over to Erica's for the majority of the day. It was fun passing a leisurely day with my close friend. We went for a walk in the morning. Lucas is getting so big! He "pushed" Zane, the boy Erica babysits, in his stroller.
Clara and Erica, stopping for a picture. Clara borrowed Lucas's stroller. Ours got all wet in the bed of our truck.
The kiddos playing together. It was nice to have some distraction for Clara.
We then proceeded to Kaldi's to spend coffee house time with Amanda and Rachel T. (and Zoe of course). It's funny how things change (Clara cried and fussed the majority of the time & I was very stressed out by her again at this point), but it's so wonderful to relive such special college memories as Kaldi's+Amanda+Rachel. I'm sad that I forgot to take a picture. :( Guess we'll just have to do it again soon! We even got to add Crystal to the mix before the coffee date was over.
Afterwards Clara and I continued on to Eldon for some great time with my parents. Again, I forgot to document. Sad.
At this point, Mitch and I talked over the phone, and made a snap decision to meet back in Columbia the next day for Mizzou's Homecoming. We were taking a chance because we didn't have tickets for this sold out game.
It was SO NICE to be back together. You know what they say about distance and the heart. :)
We stayed with Ryan and Crystal again and joined them for the Homecoming Parade the next morning. Clara looked so cute in her little cheerleader outfit (thanks Jessica!), that Crystal and I quickly lost interest in the parade in favor of taking pictures with Clara. These were my favorites. I love her expressions.
However, my favorite picture was taken by Mitch. Me with two of my favorite people.
We also snapped a quick family photo. Go Mizzou!
Grandpa and Grandma gracious agreed to give up their day to drive up and babysit Clara during the game. This was greatly appreciated! She would not have been easy to entertain. This also included driving Clara up to the stadium in the middle of the game, picking me up outside the gates, driving to a parking lot so I could nurse her, and then dropping me back off. Oh the challenges of a no-bottles-accepted baby!
Meanwhile, Mitch and I attempted to scalp tickets. Ryan made us a sign and it worked! We got great tickets for about half of their face value from a older man who wanted to help out a young couple.
It was a fun experience. Clara improved a lot by the weekend. And I gained a lot of empathy for single moms and moms of fussy babies!