Sunday, May 25, 2014

Matthew's One!

Height: 2'7" (91st percentile)

Weight: 23 lbs 10 oz (83rd percentile)

Head circumference: 48cm (77th percentile)

What he can do: Pull up, cruise, walk while holding our hands, balance while standing by himself for a moment or two, climb stairs, speed crawl, manage his own sippy cup, say da-da, ma-ma, "more" and uh-oh, although da-da is his favorite. He can nod yes and no, throw and hit a ball around, put two blocks together, and mimic us (try to drink my coffee, pound with his play hammer, etc.)

What he likes: He loves dogs, splashing in water, our toy golf set, bananas, biscuits and gravy (he even rummaged a few stray pieces out of his bib), and having his belly eaten. Watching other people have fun really tickles him.

Other information:
His #1 source of tantrums is when I close the dishwasher while he's busily trying to play in it. He does not appreciate that at all.

I've decided he's into efficiency. He's not going to exert needless energy. He chooses the least strenuous approach to everything. He wouldn't even hold his own cup for the longest time, because he knew he could just whimper and I'd hold it for him like a bottle-fed calf. He didn't even think about crawling or rolling until he was good and ready at 9 months, after which time he easily and quickly mastered both. We've been teaching him baby sign language, which he seems to have no use for. He will, however, attempt to say the words we're trying to get him to sign, because of course that requires far less effort.

He's an observer. He's a giggler. He's my little boy. He's so fun.

He does have some opinions.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Organize and Reorganize

Our little Clara is QUITE the organizer. She loves to play with lots of pieces that can be organized and reorganized, sorted and categorized. Over and over again. This is a huge part of her life and play.

It's nice because when she gets an idea, she will play quietly by herself, totally focused, until that task is complete. She doesn't want help or attention; she's fully motivated by the end result she seeks.

Mitch is the organized type. Me, not so much. Thankfully I've come a long way, but I definitely hope Clara will continue to take after her father in this way.

I really do see and believe that a "more-organized" life is a "higher-quality" life.