Monday, January 20, 2014


Matthew is not a fan of the green stuff. Vegetables that is.

Our pediatrician laughed when I told her of his faces when first introduced to peas and encouraged me to try them 12 times before drawing any conclusions.

Well, I haven't counted, but I think we're nearing 12, and he is cracking me up with his well-established opinion on the issue. Same goes for green beans.

Today as I was attempting to shovel some in his mouth, not only was he using his growing coordination to block and push the spoon away, but he was also pinching his mouth closed and pursing his lips. Of the few spoonfuls I got in there, I think more came out than went down, and he repeated shuddered throughout the process. Hilarious.

But he never made a peep. He makes his opinions known, but does so in true Matthew fashion: quite, calm, pleasant, and relaxed.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Matthew at 7.5 Months

Height: 28"

Weight: 20 lbs

What he can do: Play peekaboo by pulling a blanket over his head and then bringing it down, roll from front to back consistently, buzz his lips as spit flies everywhere (future trumpet player?), and make his opinions known.

What he likes: Sweets! His favorite is the sugary infant Tylenol that I gave him during a recent fever and teething, but he'll also take any fruit as a second choice and sweet potatoes as a third option. He is not a fan of green beans or peas. He loves being talked to, the remote, and being thrown around. He also loves strings (like those attached to a hoodie).

Sleep: Very sketchy and inconsistent. It's not often that he will sleep through the night, that's for sure. His two new bottom teeth may account for this somewhat.

Other information: From what we can tell, he's done with the bottle. I'm okay with that though since I don't have any need to be away from him in the near future, and he's doing great with solids.

He's just the sweetest little guy. He has the puppy dog eyes and little grin to make your heart melt. Sweet, sweet, sweet. And he's a cuddler too. Matthew is good for the soul.