At his 4 month doctor's appointment the nurse nervously re-measured him after comparing his height to a growth chart, indicating that the doctor wouldn't believe she'd done it accurately and she'd have to measure him again anyway. Sure enough, same measurement...
Height: 27.3" (100th percentile)
Weight: 17 lbs 12 oz (87th percentile)
Head Circumference 17" (87th percentile)
What he likes: His jumperoo, the pat-a-cake song (or any song with actions), being tickled, flying, looking at books, being talked to, being a part of the action, his paci, sucking his thumb and fingers and hands, cuddling, kicking around in the bath, and sleeping. :)
What he can do: He can grab his feet, hold his head up, spin around in his crib, laugh (of some form), track with his eyes, and make spit noises with his lips. Also he's getting to be a stronger sitter.
Sleep: He's a sleeper. Our pediatrician jokingly warned me not to tell anyone just how great he is and so lose all sympathy... but here are the beans. He's been sleeping 12 hours in a row at night for the last month. Not only that, but he's usually good for 3 naps a day, the afternoon nap being around 3 hours. Apparently all this growing is hard work... and he's certainly been doing his share of that!
Other information: He rolled over once just after he turned 3 months but has yet to repeat that feat. He continually amazes me and everyone else with his easy-going nature. He's definitely a good baby and has made the transition from one kid to two quite pleasant!
Clara is so sweet to her brother. And he tolerates the affection quite well! |