Tuesday, August 27, 2013

All Boy

Last night during his bath, Matthew was busily kicking around in the water when suddenly he paused and looked over at me.  Our eyes locked.  He proceed to paste a smug smile on his face, and with perfect comedic timing began peeing a little fountain into his bathwater. He appeared QUITE pleased with himself.

Oh, Matthew, you're such a boy.

Fortunately I happen to think little boys are pretty darn cute: love for peeing in unsanctioned areas and all.

One day I might be less than humored by these actions, but for today... hilarious.

The best picture I can find to represent his little smile in that moment.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Matthew at 3 months

I love those twinkly eyes. :)
Weight: 16.5 lbs (90th percentile)

Height: 26 in. (between percentile 90 and 95)

What he can do: 
He's batting at objects, smiling a bunch, and even trying to laugh (more of an excited hiccup). He can bring his hands together, make great eye contact, and find his thumb.

What he likes: 
He likes being talked to, his sister, being left alone when he's fussy, sleeping, playing in his baby gym, the elephant rattle, and baths.

He's a sleepy fellow. He takes 3 naps each day (ranging in length from 1-4 hours each) and sleeps 8-10 hours in a row at night.

Other information:
He's so relaxed. It cracks me up that when I put my hands under his armpits to lift him out of his crib he gives me no help. Except for a coy little smile he remains totally limp, allowing his head and shoulders roll backwards while his arms and legs hang down until I flop him onto my shoulder. His eyes twinkle like he thinks it's funny that he can get away with that.

Hilarious. SOOO different from my little go-getter Clara. She has always done at least half the work of being lifted or held... all muscles engaged.

He also continues to be a quiet guy. Sometimes I put him down in his crib thinking he's tired, only to peek in on him after 30-45 minutes of silence and find him quietly wiggling away, looking all around. In our conversations I find myself doing the vast majority of the talking. He does coo, but seems to prefer, and quite enjoy, listening. He's going to make a great husband someday!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"I sweet"

The other day Clara woke up from her nap all smiles. She strutted into the kitchen where I was, threw open her arms in a grand fashion and in a loud voice proclaimed, "Dad!  I love you!"

She then made a dramatic circle around the island and stopped near where I stood, and shouted into the house again, "Dad! Come here please!"

Unfortunately I had to bear the news that dad had left for softball and was not home.

Thankfully it didn't totally crush her enthusiasm. I don't know what she had planned, but I know dad missed out.

Clara is becoming a sweet, loving, appreciative little girl, and it warms our hearts.

In fact, she informed me of that herself this morning. After deciding I needed a hug, she administered one and then began patting my arm and saying, "I sweet" with her chin down and head tilted sideways.

Yes. Yes you are.

It's fun. Two-year-olds are beyond cute. And it doesn't hurt if one happens to have curly blond hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a spunky personality either.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

An Interview with Clara

Clara, what's your favorite animal?



Cow! Moooooo!

What's your favorite food?


No, what food do you like to eat the most?


What's your favorite color?


What's your favorite letter?

2, 3, 4, 5

What's your favorite number?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!

What's your favorite toy?


What's your favorite book?


Who reads to you?

Ummm.... Humpty Dumpty?

Who's your best friend?


What's your favorite song?


Who's your favorite person?


Cowgirl Clara at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Parade. Photo credit: Crystal.

There you have it. Clara, according to herself, at age 2 years 4 months.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Was There Ever Any Doubt?

Look who found is thumb this weekend! And he's pretty happy about it.

Apparently when two notorious thumb-suckers get married and have babies, they're destined to all do likewise. Just another way this baby boy is shaping up to be like his father. That makes me happy. 

And, although I would prefer a pacifier (less germs, less orthodontics, easier habit to break), it is pretty cute. We'll see what happens!