Friday, February 8, 2013

Inside the Mind of a Toddler

I have often wonder what goes on inside Clara's little brain. She obviously thinks about things and has her own rationale-process, interests, and opinions.

Well, wonder no more.

Now that Clara has become increasingly verbal, I get to hear much more of what's on her mind.  There are certain topics and word sets that she randomly and frequently brings up and "talks" about (by repeating the related words thoughtfully over and over again), in the car, at dinner, on walks, at bedtime.

In order of frequency, as best I can identify it, these are:
  1. buckling, seat
  2. dancing, song, spider
  3. shoes, sockies, boots
  4. cold, outside
  5. baby, seeping
  6. light, off
And that's more or less what Miss Clara thinks about all day.

Not entirely surprising. That child does love her buckling and dancing.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Eye of the Beholder

We all see value in different things. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

This week I prepared a baby gift for my expectant friend. I placed it in a bag, arranged tissue paper neatly around it, set it aside, and continued on with my daily household activities. 

About five minutes later Clara walks into the room proudly wearing the gift bag on her head, grinning, and repeating, "hat. hat." I grab it off and look inside for the gift. It is empty. I retrace her steps back to my bedroom and look around the for the newborn sleeper and book. They are no where to be seen.  

Eventually, after a thorough search and in slight desperation, I return to Clara, get down on her level, and showing her the empty bag and pointing inside, attempt to communicate my question... hoping she can understand.

Thankfully, she does. Without a word she slides off her chair and traipses back into the bedroom, guiding me directly to the trash can and standing hesitantly a few feet in away. Sure enough, there they are. 

Despite the fact that I had to fish my friend's gift out of the trash (thankfully it was still wrapped in tissue paper and otherwise undefiled), I appreciated Clara's perspective. She saw value where I did not: a hat where I saw irrelevant and trash where I saw worthwhile.

I guess it's true what they say: one man's trash is another man's treasure. Literally.

And beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

My Beautiful