This is Mitch again. Katie has been a little under the weather recently and blogging has been at the bottom of her list. Due to her online absence, I have once again decided to take the reigns.
Story time.
Katie, Clara and I were standing in the kitchen the other day. Of course standing around wasn't good enough for Clara. So just like her father, she formulated a plan, didn't tell anybody about it, and set about executing it. First, she waddled over to Katie and grabbed her jeans and began to push her around the kitchen. We thought she was just playing around, but little did we know this was all a part of her plan. She directed her mom with great confidence and ease.They made their way slowly but surely across the kitchen. At one point she walked over to me and pushed me into the middle of the walkway. She quickly realized I wasn't as easy to move so she strolled back over to Katie. With one last big push Katie and I were now standing face to face. Well, in our case face to chest. Then a little arm wrapped around my calf and another around Katie's. As the arms began to squeeze Clara said, "Hug, hug." It was a nice little moment for our family of three. There we were, in the kitchen, hugging. It's amazing how a little person can change your life.
The End
I don't fancy myself a writer. I did teach math after all. The point being, don't expect many blogs from me.
Hope you enjoyed...